Here is our standard service area
Here's the area that we travel to on a daily basis. These are the cities in which we service the most weddings, concerts, bar hopping adventures, and other miscellaneous limo bus adventures. If you see your city below, you're within our local transportation area. If you don't see your city below, feel free to give us a call. We service a large area, and it's hard to fit them all right here. Even if you aren't in our local area, we'll still try to bring you the best transportation in the area!
Feel free to get in touch with us. We'll be glad to answer your questions about where we service, as we provide service outside of these areas as well.
All you have to do is contact us if you're curious about anything in specific! Our booking agents are always ready to speak with potential and returning customers.
Our limo and limo bus service area covers all of metro Detroit, and areas further than that. Just give us a call when you're ready to ask some questions!